Screwdriving Bits

History of our bits goes back to the development of Automatic Spiral Ratchet screwdrivers back in 1958 at our plant.
When the industries of electric home appliances and precision camera got kicked off with the speed of its spread in the markets started in terms of its production and the usage installed in every house in Japan and this development has made tremendous demand of more precision and engineering production.
We at VESSEL invested heavily and developed various fastening bits for robotic technology, which has doubled the demand and our capacity to meet such a sharp raised consumption.
Now we have also lined up new phase of another high quality specifications to solve various problems in terms of eco friendly era.
- Industrial Supply Bits
- Automation Install Bits
- Service Kits for General Pro-Use, Wood & Metal Working, Hardware Applications, Automotive, Motorcycle, Watch, Glasses and, further more.